Tag - lunar wave

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570- Nuclear Poppycock, Atomic Balderdash, Fear & Stagecraft (Free)

Simple logic applied to the so-called nuclear bomb drops of WWII prove that the story we have been told is fallacy. In episode 053 we outlined this nonsense in great detail. In this episode we take a new approach using science to further demonstrate that the “nuking” of cities is simply a scare […]

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569- Old Way; Drugs Targeting Symptoms – New Way; Healing & Cures (Free)

The old systems of this world are falling apart, by both design and necessity. While many still cling to the old systems we have become used to, many more are looking for better systems. Our medical system is one of the old systems breathing its last breath. The days of petroleum-based drugs […]

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568.5- Double Trouble – Solar Eclipse & Comet, a Malefic Pair (Free)

The solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 will stand as a marker of change, guaranteed by the Skyclock, and leveraged by those interested in total control of the world. Along with the eclipse it is possible that a comet will be visible during totality, along with a number of planets, but this remains to be […]

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568- If you Be-LIE-ve We Put a Man on the Moon (Free)

We are told that we landed on the moon and brought men safely home in 1969. And yet, we are currently unable to return after all these years and technical advances. This one observation alone should stand witness to the false nature of earth space agencies. When all is said and done, “they” are all […]

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567- Does Anyone Really Know what Time it is? Yuga Shift Part II (Free)

Many people are of a mind that this year will be one to remember. Along with the so-called election at the end of the year, it is no secret that major changes are looming. On the spiritual side of the fence, I am aware that many consider the year 2025 to be a starting point for a new time-line. And […]

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566- Symbols, Serpent, Dragon, Feline & the Skyclock (Free)

Symbols are a very important part of our world. Unfortunately, next to nothing is taught to us about symbols in our current method of schooling. This is a gaping hole in modern education. After all is said and done, we could say that all communication is achieved through the use of symbols. I will […]

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565- Leaving Pharmakos, The Scapegoat Vs Nutrition (Free)

The censoring of nutritional supplements has grown in the past 10 years. One might ask why this is, but then again, it is obvious on the face of it… why that is. It is claimed that the majority of Americans take pharmaceutical drugs which now represent the majority of “treatments” on offer in our […]

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564- When a Shot in the Dark Becomes SOP (Free)

The world changed for the worse a few short years ago. And, to this day professional doctors are afraid to speak the truth to media… even in the face of an astonishing rise in death rates. Insurance companies now admit that a massive rise in death rates began in the year 2021. Those who do ask […]

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562- The Magic of Vibration & Frequency (Free)

If it exists it vibrates. With this in mind we are now reaching an era where the importance of vibration and frequency will become fundamental to our existence and to our spiritual endeavors. I await the day when the following map is commonly available and known. I am referring to a map that lays […]

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561- Does Anyone Really Know what Time it is? Yuga Shift (Free)

There are many ideas out there about the so-called age change. The best ideas in this regard come to us from the east. While the Greeks, American Indians and Egyptians are said to have had historical information, the Yuga cycles remain the best source, in my view. The problem is that this […]

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560- Herbal Remedies and the Pets We Love (Free)

In this era of chemical drugs many people are getting reacquainted with the plant kingdom, which is the original medicine cabinet. It has been claimed that chemical drugs are mostly petrochemical based and do not cure illness, but instead mask symptoms. Of course, we know antibiotics work, but they […]

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559- Have You Been Here Before? Consciousness Rising (Free)

Have you noticed the astonishing abilities of young folks these days? I am not referring to a whole generation. I am referring to the stand-outs that we all see from time to time. Decades back they were called “Indigo Children”, but here in the modern era we are starting to see more and more young […]

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558- The Rise of Parasites at the Expense of the Many (Free)

Who runs our world? There must be a formal structure and organizations with names – right? In fact, there are. And like any corporate structure there are clear lines of authority. In this episode we delineate the so-called NWO power structure. Truth be told, it might be better to consider the power […]

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557- Truth Exists, is Found, and is Proven, in Nature (Free)

When was the last time you turned off your phone and spent time in Nature? Believe it or not this was a very common occurrence before the onset of cell phones. It is easy to forget, in the modern era, that we are meant to have a deep connection to our environment. It is easy to forget that this […]

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556- The Ancient Art of Dowsing (Free)

In this episode we learn about dowsing. Known to be an ancient art, dowsing reaches back to antiquity, but what is it? The following sentence pulled from Engineer Raymond C. Willey’s book “Modern Dowsing”, does a good job of encapsulating a hard to describe art form. “Dowsing is the exercise of a […]

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